Boilers and furnaces are two common choices in the world of heating, and they each have their own set of benefits and drawbacks. We created a comprehensive guide that explores the differences between boilers and furnaces, their respective advantages and disadvantages, tips for DIY maintenance, and when it’s essential to call in a TemperaturePro Professional. So, let’s dive in and unravel the secrets of efficient home heating!

Boilers: The Heart of Hydronic Heating

What is a Boiler?

A boiler is a heating appliance that is designed to generate hot water or steam for heating purposes. It’s a vital component of a hydronic heating system, where hot water or steam is distributed through radiators, baseboard heaters, or in-floor heating systems to warm up the living space. Boilers come in various sizes and types, with the most common being gas, oil, and electric boilers.

TemperaturePro Tip: TemperaturePro provides many different types of boilers that can fit in your home or business, and create personalized solutions that ensure your choice is perfect for you. Find your Local TemperaturePro today to learn more

Advantages of Boilers:

  1. Even Heating Distribution: One of the standout features of boilers is their ability to provide consistent and even heating throughout the home. This is achieved by circulating hot water or steam through pipes and radiators, resulting in a comfortable indoor environment.
  2. Energy Efficiency: Boilers are known for their high energy efficiency. Modern boilers are designed to minimize heat loss, making them an eco-friendly choice. They can also be paired with radiant floor heating, further improving energy efficiency.
  3. Durability: Boilers are built to last. With proper maintenance, they can serve you for decades, making them a cost-effective long-term investment.
  4. Silent Operation: Unlike furnaces, which can be noisy when they kick in, boilers operate quietly. This ensures a peaceful and undisturbed living environment.


Disadvantages of Boilers:

  1. Higher Initial Cost: Boilers tend to have a higher upfront cost compared to furnaces. However, their durability and efficiency can offset this initial expense over time.
  2. Installation Complexity: Boiler installation can be more complex, especially if you’re retrofitting an older home. Proper sizing and venting are crucial to ensure optimal performance.
  3. Limited Cooling: Boilers are primarily designed for heating and do not provide cooling capabilities. You may need a separate air conditioning system if you live in a region with hot summers.
  4. Maintenance Requirements: Boilers require regular maintenance to prevent issues like leaks, corrosion, and loss of efficiency. Neglecting maintenance can lead to costly repairs.

Still not sure if a boiler is the right heating system for you? Our TemperaturePro techs are experienced and trained to give you a personalized solution that works with the layout and other systems of your home. We would be happy to walk you through all of our available options to find the best fit. 

Furnaces: The Warmth of Forced-Air Heating

What is a Furnace?

A furnace is a heating system that operates by blowing heated air through ducts and vents to warm up a home. It is a part of forced-air heating systems, where air is heated in a combustion chamber and then distributed throughout the house via ductwork. Furnaces can be powered by natural gas, propane, oil, or electricity.

TemperaturePro Tip: Included in our heating solutions are many different furnace options. We will go over the different types and help you decide what fits best in your home or business together. Find your Local TemperaturePro today to learn more

Advantages of Furnaces:

  1. Lower Initial Cost: Furnaces are generally more affordable upfront, making them a budget-friendly choice for homeowners.
  2. Quick Heat Production: Furnaces can rapidly heat up a home, as the forced-air system delivers warm air almost instantly after the thermostat is adjusted.
  3. Cooling Options: Many modern furnaces are equipped with air conditioning capabilities, allowing you to have both heating and cooling in one system.
  4. Compatibility with Air Filtration: Furnaces can easily be integrated with air filtration systems, improving indoor air quality by removing dust and allergens.

Disadvantages of Furnaces:

  1. Inconsistent Heating: Forced-air systems can result in uneven heating, with some areas of the house being warmer than others. This can lead to discomfort and temperature fluctuations.
  2. Shorter Lifespan: Furnaces typically have a shorter lifespan compared to boilers. On average, you may need to replace a furnace every 15-20 years.
  3. Noise Levels: Furnaces can be noisy when the blower fan runs, which can be a source of annoyance for some homeowners.
  4. Energy Efficiency Variability: The energy efficiency of a furnace can vary depending on the type and model. Older furnaces may be less efficient, leading to higher energy bills.


HVAC Maintenance: DIY vs. Professional

Proper and regularly scheduled HVAC maintenance is crucial for both boilers and furnaces to ensure their longevity and efficiency. Let’s delve into some DIY maintenance tips and understand when it’s time to call in a TemperaturePro professional.

DIY HVAC Maintenance for Boilers and Furnaces:

  1. Regular Cleaning: Keep the heating system clean by dusting and vacuuming around it regularly. For furnaces, replace or clean the air filters every 1-3 months.
  2. Lubrication: Some components of boilers and furnaces may require lubrication. Check your system’s manual for guidance on lubrication points.
  3. Visual Inspection: Periodically inspect your heating system for signs of wear, corrosion, or leaks. Address any issues promptly with TemperaturePro Techs to prevent further damage.
  4. Thermostat Calibration: Ensure that your thermostat is calibrated correctly to maintain accurate temperature control.
  5. Safety Checks: Test the carbon monoxide detectors and smoke alarms in your home regularly to ensure safety.

When to Call an HVAC Professional (With TemperaturePro) :

  1. Annual Maintenance: It’s advisable to schedule an annual maintenance visit from a qualified HVAC technician with TemperaturePro. We can perform in-depth evaluations, clean critical components, and make necessary adjustments. Consistent HVAC maintenance ensures a long and healthy lifespan for your heating system. Plus, we can detect small problems before they become large expensive fixes later. (TemperaturePro Tip: become a ProPlan member and these annual maintenance visits are scheduled FOR you! Learn more here
  2. Unusual Noises: If you notice strange noises, like banging or screeching, coming from your heating system, it’s time to call a TemperaturePro professional for diagnosis and repair.
  3. Inefficient Heating: If your heating system is not producing enough warmth or your energy bills have spiked suddenly, it may indicate a problem that requires professional attention. Things like uneven heating (one room is heating up while another is freezing) or higher energy consumption can indicate a larger problem with your heating system. TemperaturePro techs will be able to diagnose (and repair or replace) the issue. 
  4. Persistent Issues: If you’re frequently experiencing breakdowns or issues with your heating system, it’s a sign that it needs professional troubleshooting and repairs.
  5. Gas Odors or Leaks: If you smell gas or suspect a gas leak, immediately evacuate your home and call your local gas company and a professional HVAC technician like TemperaturePro.

TemperaturePro Has Your Heating Needs Covered 

Both boilers and furnaces have their unique strengths and weaknesses. Boilers excel in even heating distribution and long-term durability, while furnaces offer budget-friendly options and quick heating. Your choice between the two should depend on your heating needs, budget, and the specific characteristics of your home. TemperaturePro provides this catered service for you. We build our business on convenience, transparency and professionalism, so you will always get exactly what you want, and never something you don’t need. 

Remember that proper maintenance, whether performed as DIY tasks or by a professional, is essential to keep your heating system running efficiently and safely. By understanding the differences between boilers and furnaces and knowing when to seek professional help, you can enjoy a warm and comfortable home throughout the winter months.