Do You Blast the Air While You Sleep or Prefer a Warmer Temperature?

Uncovering the (HVAC) Secrets of a Good Snooze

We’re convinced that there are two types of people in this world: those who can sleep anywhere, at any time, no matter what the ambient temperature is, and those who need the room to feel like they’re trapped in a snow globe. But then a question arises: can sleeping with the AC blasting have negative effects on your health?

Close up of a person sleeping on a gray pillow with their head turned away from the camera

Why Do Humans Like it Cold?

As much as some would like to think of those who prefer to sleep in what seems like subzero temperatures as animals, science says otherwise. The human body actually needs to lower its core temperature at least a few degrees in order to begin the sleep cycle and stay there. According to research done on the topic of sleep and temperature, the ideal temp for a room during the night is anywhere between 60 and 67 degrees Fahrenheit.

That being said, it is easier to cool down the body than to raise its temperature, which creates another debate: should you keep the AC blasting all night long, or just long enough to put yourself to bed?

Silhouette of a person in a yoga tree pose

Sleeping In an Icebox: Positives and Negatives

Though snuggling up with six blankets and 18 pillows sounds like a dream to most, it’s important to examine every facet of the argument for or against sleeping in a cold room.


As we mentioned before, the body needs to be cooler to fall asleep faster. That’s a point for the penguins. However, if your room stays cold throughout the entire night, this may make it more difficult to wake up mentally. You might feel groggy, or have trouble keeping yourself from dozing back off.


Though, we admit, sleeping with the AC on high can make for an easier time falling asleep, it’s also true that keeping it on blast all night can have some pretty negative consequences to your overall health and well being. It can result in consistent cold and sinus infections for you – after all, your head is the only thing you can’t cover with a blanket or pillow.

Not only that, but experts say that if you plan on blasting that AC at night, it’s more important than ever to clean your unit consistently and thoroughly. If any of the dirt, bacteria, dust, and other particulate matter that’s hiding in your vents gets into your lungs, it can cause some serious infections and sleep issues.

Sleeping with the AC on can also cause some physical issues, including dehydration. Having the AC on all night can dry out your nose, mouth, throat, and skin, since the unit not only cools down the air but also dehumidifies it.


The third argument we’d like to bring to the table is one for your comfort. If your AC unit makes loud or annoying noises while it’s doing its job, it’s best to pre-cool the room a few hours before bed time to ensure that you aren’t distracted when trying to doze off.


We’re an HVAC company, so of course we’ll mention the obvious: keeping that AC on high all night can lead to unnecessarily high energy bills. After all, why would you want to keep blasting the AC when your sleeping body can’t even feel it? We suggest putting your cooling system on a timer, and setting it to heat to a slightly higher temperature right around when you typically fall asleep.

Person in a brightly lit room sitting on a bed stretching their arms up

So, What’s the Consensus?

The results are in! The way we see it, sleeping with the AC on all night won’t kill you, not even harm you, as long as you do so safely. Just make sure that you keep the direct flow of air away from your bed and face, and stay in that sweet spot of 60-67 degree Fahrenheit. And hey, if noises from a clunky unit is what’s causing you stress, you know who to call!